Act Out a Short Scene

Spanish Language Learners – Inspired by Carmen Sandiego™ Episode 1, kids work in groups to write, act in, and film a short scene.

Lights, Camera, Action!

Kids collaborate to create an original scene inspired by Parts 1 and 2 of “Becoming Carmen Sandiego,” assign production tasks, film the completed script, and edit the video for presentation.

Watch Episode 1 in Spanish!

Activity Instructions

Kids work in groups to create, act, and film a short scene.

  1. Have kids form groups of five.
  2. Have kids assign roles: actors, director, prop person, camera person, etc. All kids will collaborate on the writing of the script.
  3. Give kids time to work on their scripts in class. If possible, review their scripts before filming.
  4. Kids film their scene and edit it.
  5. Once the scenes are complete, schedule a film premiere day. Consider sharing the films during an Open House or as part of National World Language Month (March).

Related Resources

Spanish Language Learners– Inspired by Carmen Sandiego™ Episode 1, kids write a brief biography of Carmen.
Spanish Language Learners – Inspired by Carmen Sandiego™ Episode 1, kids write a diary entry as if they were Carmen.
Spanish Language Learners – Inspired by Carmen Sandiego™ Episode 1, kids describe Carmen’s professors and classmates in Spanish.